Screen solutions for meeting rooms SPOT ROOM

A complete management and display software solution for meeting rooms developed by SPOTLOOK

  • Solution composed of Fully customizable room screens and summary screens
  • Autonomous or coupled with your email system
  • Rooms open / close and lights on / off from the screen via PIN code sent when creating the meeting
  • Coupling with our mobile application SPOTMOB for booking rooms

Complete customization of the display

The displays on your totems or room screens are fully customizable, in order to respect your graphic charter and your wishes.

Complete management of your meetings

SPOT ROOM integrates a web interface, allowing all your users to create and modify their meetings.

Managing your meetings directly from your Google Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino email software?

Thanks to our messaging connectors (Google Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino), SPOT ROOM integrates with your messaging systems. Your users can continue to use their mail interface to create their meetings.

New meetings are automatically synchronized with your digital signage system for meeting rooms SPOT ROOM .

Optimize the occupancy of your rooms?

Thanks to our room touch screens, users validate their entry into a meeting, meaning to SPOT ROOM that their scheduled meeting is in progress.

SPOT ROOM frees rooms whose start has not been validated .. thus freeing the room for others!

Comprehensive statistics

Whether it is statistics necessary for the re-invoicing of your rooms, or a simple wish for internal statistics, SPOT ROOM provides you with complete dashboards of the occupancy of your rooms.

Totems and room screens

SPOT ROOM offers two types of display:

– The display on Totem, summarizing all the meetings or seminars taking place in a space. Positioned at the entrance to this space, it allows visitors to go to the right room.

– The room display is based on screens positioned at the entrance to each of your meeting rooms. It allows visitors to make sure they are in the right place, as well as the organizers, to validate their entry into a meeting.

Example of custom displays for totem pole

Example of custom displays for room screens


Download the SPOTROOM product presentation (FR)